RT @reagandotLFC: even now laughing at the comment made by a client who stated I looked like andres iniesta.. thank you for stating I&aposm ugly lmao – by StephenJButcher (Steve Butcher)
Tags: @reagandotLFC, Andrés, comment, customer, Iniesta, laughing, like, lmao, looked, made, said, saying, still, Thanks, ugly
Football | admin |
April 8, 2011 4:25 pm |
Comments Off on RT @reagandotLFC: still laughing at the comment made by a customer who said I looked like andres iniesta.. thanks for saying I’m ugly lmao
@QSMNGY Has a big chance this w/e if Pedro is still out. Second half today, ran the show. Even played one of Iniesta's trademark passes. – by jouracule (Mohamed Moallim)
Tags: @QSMNGY, chance, Even, half, Iniesta's, out., Passes, Pedro, played, second, show, still, this, today, trademark
Football | admin |
March 30, 2011 3:26 am |
Comments Off on @QSMNGY Has a big chance this w/e if Pedro is still out. Second half today, ran the show. Even played one of Iniesta’s trademark passes.
apparently Iniesta missed his flight last night time due to the actuality that he is still in wilshere&aposs pocket cc @jtimdal – by iamDaWizard (Jero)
Tags: @jtimdal, apparently, fact, flight, Iniesta, last, missed, night, pocket, still, wilshere's
Football | admin |
February 15, 2011 1:02 pm |
Comments Off on apparently Iniesta missed his flight last night due to the fact that he is still in wilshere’s pocket cc @jtimdal