@Alan_Tonge guy mark xavi+iniesta. hard tackling and unattractive soccer. destroy them on the wings with killer balls into the box – by flickybig (Christopher Moone)
Tags: @Alan_Tonge, balls, Football, into, kill, killer, Mark, tackling, them, Tough, unattractive, wings, xavi/iniesta
Football | admin |
April 14, 2011 9:17 am |
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@069RGG Barca will kill us if we meet them in the 1/4's we need a solid defence.Brown vs Messi,Xavi,Iniesta…can u see that nightmare – by decap88 (Don Decaprivano)
Tags: @069RGG, 1/4's, BARCA, defence.Brown, kill, Meet, MessiXaviIniesta...can, need, nightmare, solid, them
Football | admin |
March 17, 2011 3:12 am |
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Photograph: nathymocmoc: Oh my god! Messi is on top of Busquets and Pedro . And on top of them is Andres Iniesta!… http://tumblr.com/xtj1pwtcnc – by UxiaFCBLove (Uxia_ PiqueBartra ✔)
@ayush_1901 What happens to younger Thiago then?According to Barca fans, Xavi and Iniesta themselves suggestion Thiago to be greater than each of them – by JohnCharlesBlog (Nitin Fernandes)
Tags: @ayush_1901, BARCA, better, both, fans, happens, Iniesta, than, them, themselves, thenAccording, Thiago, Xavi, young
Football | admin |
March 3, 2011 11:57 am |
Comments Off on @ayush_1901 What happens to young Thiago then?According to Barca fans, Xavi and Iniesta themselves tip Thiago to be better than both of them
Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas: Barcelona are the very best staff in background, and we defeat them
Cesc Fabregas may well thank Arsene Wenger for avoiding him from becoming a member of Barca after victory about Champions League favourites.
Barcelona make a mess of their greater artistry in opposition to Arsenal in Champions League
Jim White: Just 24 hours after Tottenham’s glory, glory evening in Milan, Arsenal conjured up something every bit as memorable.
Spanish media response to Arsenal’s Champions League acquire about Barcelona
Spanish media united in criticism of Pep Guardiola and ref Nicola Rizzoli.
Tags: Arsenal, Barcelona, Beat, Best, captain, Cesc, Fabregas, history, team, them
Football | admin |
February 24, 2011 2:48 am |
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